We are having such a great time during all the craziness of this time of year. Despite being sick NON-stop (no joking) for a month and a half, the girls and I have crammed in lots of fun activities and just getting ready to celebrate Jesus' birthday. We are trying VERY hard to stress that to the girls. Despite the non-stop discussion of presents, the girls are learning to focus on the Jesus part, thank God (really).
We got some great pics done with Santa (he was not just one of those elves you see hanging out at the mall, this guy was actually Santa) and he put Gracie right at ease. This pic here is just a hint of the real thing. You will have to wait and get a Christmas card if you want to see the best ones! If I don't have your address, send it to me and I will mail you a great pic of the girls with Santa :)
Frannie and I got to see a wonderful production of the 12 Days of Christmas, a ballet with dancers from 3 years old to about 20. Frannie was in heaven. Grace stayed with her buddy Nancy so that Frannie and I could have a special night at the ballet, what a treat. Our friend's daughter, Alexis, also from China, was so incredibly good, Frannie talked about her for days.
I just finished reading the Mary Beth Chapman book "Choosing to SEE" about the death of their daughter Maria. What an incredible story! Pick it up if you want a good gut-wrenching sob. Thank you Lord for my girls on this day, Amen.