Monday, June 2, 2008


That's all I can say today is *blech*

I found out last night that my crazy, fun, resilient, caring, thoughtful, loving, devoted and spiritual aunt passed away very suddenly. Aunt Veronica (called Bunk because my father could not say Veronica as a kid so he called her Bunk) had just turned 80, smoked a lot for most of her life, had this sarcastic edge to her, loved her family more than herself and was a very, very devout Catholic lady. As a widow she had very little income, but managed to always have a gift for us, sent me $20 when I was broke in Spokane (oh yes, how I remember that) and had just given Frannie two stuffed animals and a beach hat last Tuesday in St. Augustine. Frannie does not like to wear hats, but she wore Bunk's hat those 3 days at the beach for some strange reason. Please pray for her kids who are all completely crushed, I am sure. I'm so grateful to God for taking her quick, sleeping in her chair and not from some horrible, long-drawn-out, painful ailment. Although she was 80, she took care of my Mom every Tuesday. Her six kids were her life. This is my favorite picture of her because she is laughing, as usual, has her crazy glasses on and is leaning against her Mom, not shown, which is what she is doing right now, I just know it. I'll miss you Auntie.


Donna said...

Sorry for your loss. She sounds like she was a great lady and will be missed alot.

Briana's Mom said...

I am so sorry for your loss. She sounds like she was one fun lady!

Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

Never easy, is it? So sorry - she sounds like a fun lady -- great way to be remembered!

Peggy Ward said...

Thanks for having a blog to post your very true and poignant memories of one of God's favorite people on! We won't truly know the impact of her life until we've joined her there in heaven...I can hear her and Grandma laughing together again! We will all miss her so.