Thursday, June 19, 2008


Yes, it has been a while -- I just have not been able to manage 2 things at one time this month. Now if I had TEN things to do, I would just do them, but TWO things, forget it!

I'm so excited that TWO of our adoption buddies are going back to China again to get two little girls. Ally will have a 5-year old sister, (much to her surprise, I'm sure!) named Alayna (spelling Lucy?) and Shelby is going to have a 13-month-old sister (she'll be closer to 2 by the time they meet...) named _______. What blessed kids to have the Harknesses and Straights for families you two!

We went backpacking yesterday up in North Georgia and my phone actually took some good pictures of Frannie and Kevin in the great outdoors. We had a great day with fantastic weather and no one fell off a cliff or sprained an ankle on the way down from our 5 mile trek.


Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

Doug just said he was glad to see an update from the "Franster", "Franerino", "Franmiester"!

Briana's Mom said...

What a fun, beautiful day!

Donna said...

Great pictures! Seeing Frannie always brings a smile :)

Carol said...

Looks like fun!