Monday, October 6, 2008

Relaxing Day

One of the things I love about Frannie is how much she shows her joy with simple things. The summer of 1994, I think, was the 3-month stretch that I spent backpacking in Ireland and England and it gave me a wonderful, renewed sense of calm and relaxation that I had not known before. I came back from the trip so filled with awe about God's beauty in the world and I enjoyed the simplest things like warm sun on my face on a chilly day. This photo reminds me of lying on a hillside in Northern Ireland, watching the long, green grass wave in the wind and hearing only baaaaaa and mooooooo from afar and watching the sun twinkling on the Irish Sea. Thanks be to God for Frannie to help me remember the (reckless) simple times!


Peggy Ward said...

Were you out of school today? We were at Chick-Fil-A and noticed lots of kids there, and couldn't figure out what the holiday was?
Excellent photo of the Franinator, and so glad you get such a kick out of her joy. We do too. Just when I'm down to my last nerve, I see her picture and it makes that last nerve relax a bit! xox

Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

Sure doesn't look like the little girl we met in Xianyang a little over a year ago -- remember, I made her cry?

Nancy F. said...

You don't know me but I'm a friend of Lucy's. I've enjoyed reading your blog and following your story for quite a while now. As a fellow teacher, I enjoy reading about your students and sympathize about the frustrating parts of our job. Know that seeing photos like this of your darling daughter lift my spirits on days I need it most. Your quick wit has made me chuckle many times.
I just wanted to say thanks for sharing.


How nice!!! True relaxation is such a luxury huh? Frannie makes a lovely Snow white and I am with you concerning Sarah Palin!!
Enjoy your precious daughter,