Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Give Thanks

Today I am thankful for the friendships that have come from adoption. I love it when people see Frannie, stop me on the street and share their adoption stories. There is such a wonderful bond among all the families.

I read an acquaintance's blog today and she inspried me so much about how our next adoption is such a good thing. It may be difficult at times, I may want to cry in frustration with CC*I changing it's rules, with USCIS changing it's rules, agencies changing their rules ("NO, TODAY YOU HAVE TO WEAR purple PANTS AND SPIN AROUND twice *THEN* YODEL AND BARK LIKE A DOG! COME ON!! GET IT RIGHT ELLEN!!!"). Those who have done this know I'm not exaggerating too much.

Some angel put a Gymboree coupon on my office door this morning and I got the BEST deal on a Christmas gift for my niece in Seattle. Check out their sales!

1 comment:

Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

you gotta love Gymboree! Even Doug said, "I could go crazy in that store" -- how is that for a man's man??? Ha hA