Tuesday, December 9, 2008

So much going on

Hi -- Photos are about Locks of Love. New photos to come from our fun SEC fanfare event this weekend. Frannie was on tv twice -- she knows people. We got our fingerprints complete this morning -- check. We are planning Christmas, our trip to NY the day after and all the families we love and who need prayers this year. Just when you think you have stress and issues -- you hear about a family that is in dire straights and still manages to smile. Please pray for my friend Lisa who is this angel. No details required, but she needs a LOT of prayers. If you only knew.....

We would like to make some donations this year and forego all gifts for adults. I plan to make my usual little treats for those around us, but the rest of you will receive a card and our prayers. God bless!


Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

We have simplified our gift giving tremendously and I couldn't be happier! We will see how my 2 older kiddos like it -- not! Ally won't care - she just wants Santa to bring her gum! EASY! Guess we spoiled the big ones a bit - can't do that anymore! Your haircut is CUTE! Was Frannie at the game? I can't believe I didn't think about that and pay attention!

Steve and Darcy said...

I love your new haircut - it is adorable!!!

Carol said...

we cut back on the spending this year like never before....just can't swing anything with this upcoming move we are going to make......I think the kids will survive....really they are getting a new house...so they should be happy!