Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Fate, Destiny, God's Will, Call it what you will...

I've been having these conversations about winning the lottery (our MegaMillions is up to $220 Million or some such obscene amount) and I'm curious about your thoughts: would winning that money ACTUALLY be a blessing? Would it leave you with fewer or more concerns/worries/problems and could it EVER bring you closer to God? I must admit, it sounds great and I do fantasize about how much fun it would be to surprise friends and family with gifts and burning their mortgages for them and paying for some equipment for students, etc., etc. but the more I think about it, I do NOT personally think it would be a blessing. Case in point:
*I don't care who you are or who you THINK you are, but people change.
* I don't care how great you think your friends are, but they will treat you differently, am I right?
* would you REALLY donate a ton of it to worthy causes or would you turn into some figurehead sitting on a throne contemplating who DESERVES a gift from you and who doesn't....

Add more to the list if you want, I'm curious.


Peggy Ward said...

All the stories I've ever read about big lottery winners were very sad ones. I do not think it would be would become a victim of it, unless you truly did give it all away. "It is more difficult for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than it is for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle." - Jesus.

kevin said...

Honey....we are going to win it on Tuesday so shut your gob! Love...yo husband

Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

We had the "what if" conversation just last night -- Doug asked me if I'd want to go back to China for another, and I said no (with a tad of hesitation); but I would help out lots of folks who wanted to go but couldn't afford to go. Then I'd buy a giant beach house!