Sunday, May 9, 2010

Quote of the Week


Because Grace has a cleft palate (Even after two surgeries! She still has a cleft palate!), therefore she cannot use a straw and SUCK.

Frannie (a direct quote) "Mom and Frannie are good suckers! Grace can't suck."

Oh, Grace would never suck. Even with a perfect palate, she would never suck.

See? I download pictures of subjects other than bloodclots and screaming cartoon women. The shot I SHOULD have gotten this week and FAILED to take was the one of Grace in a bathing suit and a NORMAL diaper (note: not a swim diaper) immediately after sitting in Chloe's pool for 10 minutes. Oh, it harks back to good ole' SNL, Jane Curtain and the BigButts. Lucy and Peggy, haven't you done that schtick on purpose once or twice? I have a vague memory of photos.....

I've been listening to a Bill Bryson book on tape in my car and if you never have done that -- do it. The particular one I'm currently enjoying (it really doesn't matter which one you select, you are sure to pee your pants regardless) is "Notes From a Small Island" and it has brought me out of my "I want to punch someone" funk. Maybe a few improvements in our financial status has helped too, but Bill Bryson, if you are out there, you just may have saved someone from getting punched by moi.

Toddler waking from nap, see ya.


Anonymous said...

Two of my very favorite princesses! :) And you're right on two counts: Grace would never suck, and Bill Bryson can bring anybody out of a funk!


Anonymous said...

Ut oh, hope I didn't post that multiple times!