Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Post Mother's Day Thought

My prayer for my girls: to miraculously forget all the mistakes I have made with you. To remember only love and giggles, patience and good food. Sorry about the rest. I really am. I pray too for your birth Moms. I'm so sorry that they will never know your growing faces and get to see all the goodness in you and how blessed we all are. I'm sorry that they live in a place where abandoning your child is even considered, let alone practiced. I pray they are at peace and somehow God lets them know through a sign or in their hearts that you are okay. Maybe one day we can find these two Moms together and have a good no-language-required cry together and hug and laugh.


Bushnell Girls said...

Oh, yes. We pray for my girls' birthmothers too. I pray that they would have a peace in their hearts about the wrenching decision that they had to make, that they would somehow know that their girls are safe, healthy, funny, bright, and very, very loved.

Peggy Ward said...

I love your blog. You find the right words to say what we all feel. And God is good...the child I once thought I would strangle is now my best friend...and he has forgiven me. Over and over! God bless you!