Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Aaaaah, Seaside Beach

Seaside and Seagrove Beach will always conjure memories of the marathon......

beautiful homes.....

good times with friends....

AND VOMITING. Okay, so this is my SECOND trip to the beach with the Brennans where I have gotten horribly ill. The first time, we were luckily (ha!) on our way home (ooops Kevin I think I just pooped my pants) but THIS time I got to vomit and sit in the bathroom while actually ON VACATION!!!! The moral of the story is, according to Dorothy, just stay the heck home and go to Stone Mountain if the urge for a trip comes up. They have it all! No need to pack underwear, just buy an annual pass and if you can't find it at Stone Mountain, then you don't need it.

1 comment:

Beth and Ryan said...

Hi. I was wondering if your daughter, Gracie, is from Dianjiang? We have a baby girl from there and I noticed in one of your posts that you mentioned Dianjiang in reference to foster care. We live in Georgia too and follow along on Donna's blog as well as the life of Ally and Alaina. Congratulations on your baby girl. Our site is www.mk2usa.blogspot.com.