Tuesday, March 31, 2009

So I'm a little busy, sue me

I do not have the ability to walk and chew gum at the same time. I can't seem to keep up with blogging when I'm busy because it stresses me out. It's IEP season which gives me a stiff neck and shoulders EVERY single year. It's like that dream when you are looking for the classroom (as in, you are back in high school or college) and you realize you haven't been to class in weeks and a paper is due and yes, suddenly you are not wearing any pants. This is how I feel during IEP season yet I'm awake. Luckily I have the nicest principal in the world who gives me affirmation about my job. Just when I feel like I've ignored my job or feel insecure about what a screw-up I am, he manages to lift me up.

The only news is that we are thinking travel to China may be mid-Julyish which will not bode well with starting school August 3 and planning a cleft palate surgery too. God is good and will take us to China when it's the right time. Even if it IS going to be hotter than ......

Looking forward to spring break, the start of baseball season (yea, Gwinnett Braves!), finishing up FRANNIE FAY'S FUNHOUSE (pictures will come, promise).


The Evans Family said...

Oh, March madness with IEP's! I so understand. As the Lead teacher I get to check all of those IEPs--think 300 students! ACK!!!

Enjoy your break!

Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

Call us when you head up the the new GB stadium - it's about 3 miles from our house! Ally's preschool is behind the parking lot! Good to see you back.

Beth and Ryan said...

You're right it will be HOT in July but on a positive note, maybe the Chinese clothing police will not be after you! We were reprimanded during our entire trip for allowing MK's skin to show....especially in Chongqing.

Katy said...

hey I just realized our LIDs are close together! Darcy too, right?
Maybe we'll see you there :-)