Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Pat's

And I mean that in a NON-green beer, parade-brawling, red-headed, whiskey-drinking, big red nose, sheleighleigh (sp?)-toting, leprechauns-in-my-garden stereotypical sort of way. I have a friend who is all-out Irish/American who hates this holiday because of the American stereotype of St. Patrick's Day. I agree with her IN A WAY. Green beer, yuck! Drink a Guinness for goodness sake. If you can't handle it, have a Harp. People in Savannah think they have the greatest party ever, but it's generally (so I hear) a drunken brawl that has nothing to do with Ireland or St. Patrick himself (born in England people). HOWEVER, I like how this day celebrates the traditions of Ireland and we should be grateful to have it. How many other immigrants or saints have a whole day of celebrating?

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