Friday, March 7, 2008

Cheryl Pics

We finished our State paperwork this week (school caca), yahoo! We have gotten our "Subsequent Home Study" ball rolling, we've received lots of our required home study paperwork and dossier paperwork, we are now officially on the waiting list of families for the adoption agency CCAI, I am hoping to have a GIRLS WEEKEND this summer with all female relatives from far and wide (cousins, nieces, sisters and second cousins?) here in Atlanta, Frannie is funny as ever and my Uncle Roger is doing well in Connecticut! Thanks be to God. I wanted to make a slideshow with all of Frannie's great photos from Cheryl's house. Happy Friday!

1 comment:

Carol said...

Ellen I just heard of a 3.5 yr old from Shaanxi with a VSD.....I wonder if it's a Hope Haven baby???? Her name is Ru...if you come across that name, will you let me know?