Monday, March 31, 2008

Interesting Story

A number of years ago I was told to see the movie "The Lost Daughters of China" which was a National Geographic show following an Atlanta family who went to China for their second daughter. It is such a tear-jerker and I have always wanted to meet the family and ask them about their journey. My friend Lucy told me she knew them somehow (through a friend?) and my thoughts about the family again resurfaced about how much I would love to meet them. This weekend, Kevin brought an article to my attention in our local Catholic newspaper:

How wonderful that their daughter brought them to the Catholic Church! It's nice to hear about people willing to open their minds about the TRUTH, caring more about what our Church actually teaches and the gifts it has, rather than continuing to believe the misconceptions and lies about the Church. Maybe I will meet them one day.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

This Time May be Different

I have such trepidation to spread the word because it's hard to believe it could be happening! We found a baby by way of my ubiquitously God-sent friend Donna and we are awaiting approval! She is now a year and a half old, she has a minor heart defect (two pediatric cardiologists here in Atlanta have said it is "pretty minor"), she lives in the Jiangxi Province (right above Guanghzou), she's as cute as a button, she's in foster care and boy is Frannie going to be surprised. Please pray for us and her! I will post a photo when I feel more confident that we will get her. The agency could not be much farther away -- on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State. Prayers are the most important gifts you could give us.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Frannie's Second Mom

Just so you can picture Frannie's best friend, Cheryl (our neighbor/friend/daycare provider), here she is with Chloe. She's so good with the kids, Kevin and I are very grateful to have her!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Frannie Has Way Too Much to Drink

How embarassing. You go to the Brennans, you drink WAY too much green punch and you get stuck in a miniature wagon. She is in BIG trouble for the shenannigans she pulled that night. Just kidding folks.

Thanks to our dear friends John and Karoline, we got some wonderful corned beef, cabbage and Frannie got to wear her new St. Patrick's Day dress!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Can't Help It

A drunk Irishman staggers into a Catholic Church, enters a confessional booth, sits down, but says nothing. The Priest coughs a few times to get his attention but the drunk continues to sit there. Finally, the Priest pounds three times on the wall. The drunk mumbles, "Ain't no use knockin', there's no paper on this side either"

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Pat's

And I mean that in a NON-green beer, parade-brawling, red-headed, whiskey-drinking, big red nose, sheleighleigh (sp?)-toting, leprechauns-in-my-garden stereotypical sort of way. I have a friend who is all-out Irish/American who hates this holiday because of the American stereotype of St. Patrick's Day. I agree with her IN A WAY. Green beer, yuck! Drink a Guinness for goodness sake. If you can't handle it, have a Harp. People in Savannah think they have the greatest party ever, but it's generally (so I hear) a drunken brawl that has nothing to do with Ireland or St. Patrick himself (born in England people). HOWEVER, I like how this day celebrates the traditions of Ireland and we should be grateful to have it. How many other immigrants or saints have a whole day of celebrating?

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Kevin's exciting night

Kevin just HAPPENED to be working downtown at the SEC tournament where a tornado hit last night. Thanks be to God he is fine. The poor guy not only had to work a 15 hour day, but he had to wake up 2 hours after he got home and head right back in to set up the game, which had been moved from Phillips Arena to Georgia Tech due to the damage. He'll probably end up working a 16 or 17 hour day today too and get up to work early in the morning .....

Friday, March 7, 2008

Cheryl Pics

We finished our State paperwork this week (school caca), yahoo! We have gotten our "Subsequent Home Study" ball rolling, we've received lots of our required home study paperwork and dossier paperwork, we are now officially on the waiting list of families for the adoption agency CCAI, I am hoping to have a GIRLS WEEKEND this summer with all female relatives from far and wide (cousins, nieces, sisters and second cousins?) here in Atlanta, Frannie is funny as ever and my Uncle Roger is doing well in Connecticut! Thanks be to God. I wanted to make a slideshow with all of Frannie's great photos from Cheryl's house. Happy Friday!