Friday, August 14, 2009

One more Baby Step

I completely understand when people continually ask me "when are you going?" and it does drive me a little nuts because I keep telling those who don't understand the world of adoption that we just don't know. Today, we are one BABY step closer which is the approval of our Article 5 and the delivery of our package to Beijing. This only means that we have to wait for Travel Approval -- statistics are showing that it could take anywhere from 6 days (one woman's speedy time on Rumor Queen) or up to 46 days (another lady's unfortunate wait), but the average is 23 days, according to the infamous Rumor Queen. My friend Katy had to wait 27 days for the Travel Approval.

Because Kevin is not able to travel with me, it worked out that my friend Nancy COULD go with me. I am fortunate enough to have her, along with Frannie on this journey. I have been so anxious about going without Kevin, about getting on a small little building on wheels, in such confined quarters, with so little oxygen and so many other people breathing MY OXYGEN, OMG, wait a minute, I have to go find a paper bag to breathe into for a second....

Okay, I'm back. Nancy is very calm and relaxing which is just what the doctor ordered. Anyone out there have any spare valium for me? I'm kidding. I need prayers, as you have probably surmised.

1 comment:

Carol said...

You will be fine!!! Good Gravy tell me you will not wait 46 days!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!! I want to hear about TA this week, you hear me !! LOL