Sunday, August 9, 2009

There's Always a Reason -- I'm serious

I do get uptight when things don't go my way, quickly enough or quietly enough or nicely enough, but I always look back and say "Okay, God was looking out for me, I admit it." So I admit I have complained a little bit about being the FIRST to start the adoption process (for the 2nd adoption, that is) out of all my friends, but the LAST to go back. I checked the weather in Grace's province this week and found out the heat will feel like 124 degrees this week -- a typhoon just hit the Guangzhou area and an earthquake hit the Tokyo area. My buddy Darcy just got back from Guangzhou by way of Tokyo (yikes) and Katy is getting ready to go. I could NEVER handle that much heat or humidity and of course, typhoons and earthquakes are not my favorite either. I'll travel in September, thanks. One woman on Rumor Queen got her TA a mere 7 days after her Article 5 was issued -- who does SHE KNOW? That sure would be exciting if we could somehow make that happen :)


Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

Our SS lesson was on waiting on God's will to be revealed... seriously!

Carol said...

Wow, I thought I was lucky with a TA in 14 days!!! Who does she know????