Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Doctor's Visits, Work and Time Without Kevin

Kevin is back from baseball playoffs, but leaving again on Thursday for SEC football. Yeah, boo.

Grace went to the pediatric cardiologist and got TWO thumbs up for a job well done on the PDA repair. No need to visit him again unless something new happens. She has an ENT appt. tomorrow for an assessment to have tubes put in her ears while she is knocked out for her palate surgery. The palate appointment is next Friday. In the meantime, she is taking meds for a parasite and double ear infections! God bless the poor kid. She sure likes my chicken, though, as you can see!

I am back to work and wham - I caught some ailment which feels a lot like what I got in China. Good thing Kevin is home.


Donna said...

Man, are really already back to work. I keep thinking you JUST got home?! Can't wait to see the new little one. She looks like she fits right in. God must really know what he is doing up there :)

Katy said...

Wow, you guys are doing great! Sorry to hear about the ears and bug!