Sunday, October 10, 2010

Have I Scarred Them for Life?

We took a fun trip yesterday to our local Pumpkin Patch and I pray the girls do not suffer some life-long side effects from it. First it was the gi-normous blow up spider that greeted us the second we stepped through the gate that inexplicably moved its head in a random fashion that made him look alive. Secondly, like out of some Watsonian nightmare, the girls both about pooped their pants because of the guy in the gorilla mask lurking around all the kids (see Exhibit D above -- pictured just above Frannie's head)). The pictures of Grace, I hate to admit it, give me a nervous smile because she was petrified of the guy and spent the entire 34 minutes looking over her shoulder for the gorilla guy and begging to be held. We got the heck out of there after purchasing 3 tiny pumpkins and one positively reinforcing pony ride (at least I pray it served as a positive association with all things Fall/Halloween/Pumpkiny). Yikes.


Steve and Darcy said... what pumpkin patch did you go to because we won't go there!! Danielle is terrified of Halloween decor, in fact, she tells me everyday that she doesn't want to "do Halloween". LOL! She is even scared to go down the Halloween aisle at Kroger!! What a dumb Gorilla Guy...why do you have to scare little kids picking out pumpkins!! Ahhh...memories!! Call me!!

Peggy Ward said...

eeek! You are right! Grace's expression in the pix tells all! At least Frannie is an actress and can pull off the winning smiles anyway.