Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dear Diary

Philipians 4:something. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. No kidding. I used to think I would be a single, fat smoker who died alone with no one to find my decomposing body. My aunt, Sister Marie Therese who is a Sister of St. Joseph (ha ha Tara) used to bother me about my calling to be a sister. I knew that was not in the cards, but I never knew that I would end up so blessed with my job, my family and in better health than I was 15 years ago. I went yesterday to have an ultrasound on my thyroid and ended up having a funny conversation with the tech who was so interested in my job and the kids and my buddy BC who, I believe, has a bright, bright light shining in him, but his poor little body will not allow him to tell us or show us. My girls are doing great -- Frannie and I talked about going camping this summer (big mistake) because she wants to go camping RIGHT NOW. At 8:30 at night. Please Mom? When are we going? What should we bring? Can I bring my Dora sleeping bag? Pretty please Mom, Mom, Mom, MOM, MOM!

I started working on a new vanity for our half bath and now my OCD brain won't let it go. I'm working today, but I just want to be home working on cabinet doors. I love working with wood, thinking of Joseph and Jesus. Hokey, I know.

My Dad is staying in a rehab place to help him recover from his last hospitalizations. I have been talking to Frannie about him and making sure she understands that he is sick and he may be going to live with Jesus one day. I don't want to scare her, but she talks about him a lot and I don't want to confuse her either. I know my Dad will die one day, and I'm not saying it will be soon, but my Dad thinks it might be so I'm preparing Frannie. By the way, my Dad was the first one to get me interested in carpentry and bought me my first drill when I lived in Beacon Hill. Thanks Dad.

Grace has this strange-looking hole in the roof of her mouth, right behind her two front teeth that needs to be blocked up in order for her to stop shooting milk out of her nose. Last week, the hospital pic was just a procedure where they knocked her out for a few minutes to make an impression of her mouth. She will be fitted with this device in the next few weeks and I pray she will miraculously start to sound less nasal when she speaks and no longer shoot STUFF out of her nose.

Six more days of school for me. I love my students and I love my co-workers and all (bless your hearts) but get me outta here. I want to sleep in. I love when the girls toddle downstairs with messy hair and crusty eyes, and we watch cartoons and eat toast with butter and honey in bed. Meeting friends at the park and having cookouts and going up the east coast to visit friends! If the Apocolyse doesn't occur this Saturday, that is what we will be doing.

1 comment:

Donna said...

Summer is almost here!!