Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Chinese Baby Day at the Mall

Frannie and I went to meet our Hope for Children friends today at the mall to have their pictures taken with Santa. We ran into into two other families with Chinese babies. One of the moms looked very, very familiar to me and when I mentioned it, she said I looked familiar too. Funny that her daughter did not look familiar to me, but we never did figure it out ("church? school? neighborhood?"). So we all squeezed into the Santa area and got a pretty good picture! I was surprised that Frannie was a little scared of him and would NOT sit on his lap so I had to help. I'm pretty sure Ally and Frannie are looking for a good station on the radio in the above photo. What a blessing to have these friends.


Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

You win the prompt blogger award! Fun fun day!

Carol said...

We are slowly meeting all the families around us that have adopted from China. They are always cautious when they approach. It seems funny to us because we love meeting all of them. I guess they are scared to offend us.

Wonderful pictures!

Peggy Ward said...

Frannie looks so good in red...you too, El. We here in FL hope you have a wonderful first Christmas together! I am mailing stuff, late of course, so you can extend the holiday with Frannie...