Monday, December 3, 2007

Fun Weekend

Frannie had a great time over the weekend -- we got to see Dad at work at the SEC Fanfare, meet some new people on the crew and Frannie, the superstar, was on tv once or twice. We then got to meet Shelby! Donna had called from Discover Mills and heck, since we were on our way home and that is sorta, kinda on the way, we stopped by and got to see the beauty. We have a busy few weeks ahead of us, getting ready for the big birthday celebration (we are trying very hard to keep the Christ in Christmas) and our impending trip to New York. Oh, and she has gotten over her fear of spaghetti sauce.

1 comment:

Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

LOVE the spaghetti face! Hope to see you all this weekend (maybe twice!)