Monday, September 13, 2010

Night and Day

Frannie and Grace are so different -- I mean truly. Frannie is so prissy with her shoe fetish and her obsession with princesses and looking good and sparkly STUFF. Grace, however, laughs at the absurd, a dirty face and people falling down. Grace also loves babies so much, I think she feels she's ready to be a Mom. She spent half the time in Mass yesterday putting a diaper on her baby doll. She wiped that baby's behind with the equivalent of 14 baby wipes, ensuring a proper diaper change. Today at the doctor's office we found a book with a picture of a crib and when you lift the crib flap, there's a baby shown in the crib. She stared and stared and pointed and talked about that baby. What's so funny is that she went to another picture on the same page with a flap showing a blanket and she gently took that blanket (pretend) in her hand and gently placed it on the baby in the crib. She looked at me out of the corner of her eye for approval and we laughed and laughed. What a KooK! I think I need to get her a new baby doll for the hospital stay. I need to find one with a whole kit of babydoll-sized diapers and bottles and binkies. Anyone out there need a babysitter, Grace will sign up. PS We were at the doctor today because Grace's cough seemed to be worse to me so I wanted him to check out her throat for strep and to listen to her breathing. She's fine!