Thursday, February 14, 2008

Once Again, Donna Saves the Day :)

I have been researching domestic and international adoption for a few days, feeling discouraged, mostly because we are either prohibited from adopting from certain countries due to our age or we are given the option of only adopting special needs/older children. Donna has always been my friend and adoption Wikipedia, but yesterday changed everything. She talked me through it and encouraged me to try China again, despite my beliefs that we are prohibited from adopting from China again, due to their strict changes made in May. Well...... I was wrong. After going over the changes with her, making a few phone calls and taking her advice, we are on the road to China again! I began paperchasing before we even got Frannie and we are going to persue children with minor special needs, like Frannie from various agencies. I am so excited that this could actually happen for us in 2008 -- it's a long and complicated process, but by taking Donna's advice, we may be able to have a baby referral within a few months, but we still need prayers! Kevin was flying to Phoenix in the midst of all these conversations and I had to call him "please call me please call me please call me" and when he did, he was also excited and happy at the prospect of Frannie having a sister!


Donna said...

So glad that I can "help" bring one more precious baby HOME! It may not be my home (yet) but Frannie's home needs another little one running mom ragged :) As you said, God sure knows what he is doing in this thing as I felt so excited to be a small part of your journey yesterday.I look forward to sending you pics and lists soon!

Steve and Darcy said...

Congratulations! I think that is awesome! I am so glad that you and Kevin decided to adopt again!

Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

Go get her! We have some friends who are in Beijing right now - getting their second China girl on Sunday

Anonymous said...

Yahoo! If you have and questions on SB, email me. Maddie is doing so awesome!

Carol said...

Oh that is flipping fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!