Friday, February 1, 2008

Gifts from Auntie Peg

Frannie got some cool gifts from her Aunt Peggy and cousin Jim the other day and her FAVORITE thing was this tutu leotard. She was doing her excited Flashdance moves as we were opening the package (she's a maniac, maniac) and she must have said "pretty" about a dozen times when I held up the leotard. I thought she would have a fit when I took it off her, but she has been drooling lately with 2 upper molars coming in and she didn't want to get it all wet! She is growing, but not by leaps and bounds. She can still wear some 12-month sizes, but mostly 18 months now. Thank you Peg and Jim for the goodies (I wasn't sure what was in the bag, something I should smoke or cook with, ha ha -- it was vanilla beans from Madagascar, thanks!)
We got tickets for the Big Apple Circus in a few weeks, which should be exciting. Frannie's favorites are animals, music and ..... (shoes) good times so I guess it should be a hit!
Our friend Pete had brain surgery yesterday on an AVM, say a prayer for him and his family.


Peggy Ward said...

I'm so glad it fits her so well! She sure knows how to make her aunt peggy happy! Enjoy the circus!

Carol said...

ROFL!!!! Maniac, maniac....ha ha so funny!!!!

Oh I needed that laugh!!!!