Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My Mom

Well, today I lost my Mom and more than anything, I am grateful to know I will see her again one day. I don't know how non-believers do it. I am sad, but mostly for my Dad who lost his best friend of almost 57 years. Since they dated for 5 years before that it's actually 62 years. He must feel like he lost his right side. My Mom lost her Mother when she was only 3 so I can't help but think of the two of them, together at last. And her Dad too, but mostly her Mom.

The other day when I posted that we were leaving for Florida, we never actually left due to some .... complications. We are still in Lilburn and will be leaving for Florida on Saturday for the Tuesday funeral. Kevin and I went to Mass this morning and prayed mostly for my Dad. Kevin reminded me of some of the crazy and funny things my Mom used to say like "OAFRAH Whinfrey" instead of Oprah and ROCK-CHESTER NY and it got me smiling -- she was so Ethel Mertz, it's not even funny. My Mom taught me endurance when your marriage is not fun, she gave me a love for special needs people, a great love of food (ha ha!!!!), strong-willed opinions (if they don't like it, TOUGH CRAP!!!), shared ditzy moments, loyalty and too many other memories and characteristics to mention. I have no regrets when it comes to my Mom, we said and did all we needed to say and do for each other and the last words we said to each other is I LOVE YOU and we meant it, which is the best I can ask for. Say Hi to Jesus for me.


Ginny said...

Ellen, I am so very sorry to hear of your mother's passing. I have not been following your blog so didn't know that she has been ill. Our prayers are with you.

Ginny and Luke

Donna said...

So sorry for your loss. Sounds like your mom was a great lady. Give me a call if you want to chat, anytime.

StephanieF said...

What an incredible life. We could only be so blessed to live such a fulfilled and loved life. I know she is greatly missed but she can now smile with all of you at once.

norma said...

Ellen, you write beautifully! I'm sorry about your mom's passing! I'm glad you know where she is and that you will see her again; it is comforting, isn't it? I will pray for your dad! I'm sorry for his loss, too! Love you 3!

Briana's Mom said...

I am so sorry Ellen. Your mom sounds like she was a great lady. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Katy said...

I am so sorry you lost your mom (and thinking of your dad too). But I am so glad that you know where she is and KNOW you will see her again one day. Katy

Carol said...

Ellen, thanks for the email, we are not blogging anymore, so we don't keep in touch like we should. I'm so sorry for you. I lost both my parents so I know what you are going thru. It's so hard and I wish I could say it gets easier, but my mom has been gone 11 years now and it still hurts........hugs.........

Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

Hey Ellen -- So sorry to hear -- just so glad to know that she knew and loved Frannie, and that she knew of Grace....