Thursday, March 18, 2010

Better, Thank God

We are still in Pediatric ICU, but the doctor saw her this morning and requested a regular room for us for tonight. She lost enough blood yesterday that they had to give her a unit of blood at 10:00 last night. Yesterday's picture shows the trumpet tube in her nose to keep her airway open. Her respirations were so low it made me VERY nervous. She is doing a LOT better today, however. She actually nodded for food and ate a little lemon snack cake (one WW point, go girl) and has taken a little bit of water too. Not a lot, but some. They have tested her blood levels again and she reacted well to the blood.
I spoke with Dr. Burstein and his nurse practioner this morning who told me they had to do more extensive work than they thought during the surgery, but that it turned out better than they thought! They had to actually (eeeek) break both cheek bones to spread her gums wide enough, move bone and gums back at the front (eeeek), not to mention sewing up her palate. She's a trooper. No giggles yet, but she was halfway smiling at her Wiggles video.
Thanks Nancy for taking Frannie for us. She is never going to want to come home!


Steve and Darcy said...

Oh my word!! Sounds like a really intense surgery - poor baby! I am glad that she is at least attempting to eat and smile. How are Mommy and Daddy doing? It's got to be so hard to see your baby in pain, even though you know it is for good. We are continuing to pray for all of you!!! Thank you so much for the update!

Joan (Nana) said...

Praying for your sweet Gracie, hope for a wonderful outcome, and a speedy recovery.

nikimac said...

PRAYING......Oh my word is right!!!!! Poor baby hope she smiles soon and goes home.


Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

Poor baby -- I know she must be hurting so much -- but at least they got it done... so scary!