Saturday, March 27, 2010

A scary night with Grace

Grace woke up last night at 11:30 or so with lots of blood on her pillow cases. After cleaning her up and re-medicating her she cried for 10 more minutes. I went to check on her and blood was just STREAMING from her nose. Not dripping, but one solid stream -- scared the daylights out of me and made me want to run to the ER at Scottish Rite. Her little crib looked like a baby crime scene. Kevin held her for about 10 minutes and it stopped. We kept her in our bed all night and I'm pretty sure all 3 of us slept another 18 minutes for the night. Her regular pediatrician checked her out this morning and said her blood levels were low, but she didn't think she needed another unit of blood unless it happened again. She's been drinking more than usual this morning so by the grace of God, she won't have a reoccurrence. I think Kevin and I will have to work guard duty tonight, taking shifts.


nikimac said...

Poor Baby!!!! That would have freaked me out......give her a hug for me.


Unknown said...

Glad she is okay..Grab my cell number from Donna..Call me day or night if you need anything

Everything Beautiful Shay said...

I am SO praying for your sweet baby and your whole family!!!

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