Sunday, September 20, 2009

We Are Making Progress

We went to dinner at Lucy's last night with a couple from Chicago and their daughter, Ruby (hee hee). We had to sit outside in the humidity, but enjoyed a few burgers and beers. What a great group we have -- truly fun and caring people.

Today Nancy and I decided to forego the temple trip and the pearl market as we hope to go with Ann to the pearl market later in the week. Darcy, I asked another woman to get you your names, and I will get them later. We walked through the maze of vendors between our hotel and the island, with lots options to buy! We were tempted by dried snake skins, enormous tree bark, tiny kittens and lizard skins! We were told that some of these are good to boil and put in soup, but only some are good for men, others for women. Don't get them mixed up, I guess or we could be in trouble. Don't worry, I won't eat any prostate soup or testicle tea!

Picture this: August, Atlanta -- you go to the gym with your sweat pants and long-sleeve shirt on and the air at the gym isn't working! You work out anyway and after about 20 minutes of a strenuous workout, your shirt and sweats are completely stuck to your entire body -- that has been our experience, just walking around Guangzhou! Actually, just walk outside and you too can experience this phenomenon! How interesting!

Our group is heading over to a restaurant tonight on the island for some "traditional" Chinese food that our guide Helen has recommended. She showed us the restaurant last night and luckily, it was not the one Kevin and I experienced last time, but it's right next door! Hope we don't find any live grubs in our dinner.

We did just a little shoe shopping today.....


Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

A few shoes for the girls, I gather? Isn't that the most fun? So, give us the details ... where are you staying? Have you taken G to the pool? How is her appetite? Does Frannie seem at all "affected" by being back in China? (Ally was un-phased) We just love Guangzhou (even in the heat!). Have fun!

Steve and Darcy said...

Helen was our guide, too! And Katy's! Tell her hi from us! Michael went by Jian Yang when we were in Guangzhou. Glad that you are enjoying your time in Guangzhou. Helen will probably be taking you to the same restaurant that she took us to - it was great! You need to try the is yummy!! I am glad to see that you are putting a dent in your shopping list!! Have fun!

Anonymous said...

I like the red shoes. And grubs? YUCK! And heat? Double yuck! You guys are troopers. Can't wait for you all to get home. Love and prayers, Shawn

Dad said...

Don't forget some high top Converse for Steve...11/11.5. He's got the basic colors so he'll need something unusual...

Donna said...

Happy to see you found your shoes! Try to enjoy the rest of the time taking it easy in GZ, even in the heat.

If you want to give the girls a treat you can take them to the nail place that is on the bottom floor where the Pizza Hut is. Shelby still talks about having her nails done in China. They charged us 10 Yuan for Shelby's nails and toes!!

Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

Because I doubt the flooding in Atlanta has made the GZ news (I guess you couldn't likely understand it even if it did) -- no school today (Mon) or Tues! So that is 2 less days of work that will count on your maternity leave -- today was a mess. They started with a 90 min delay county wide (of course, after many HS teachers/students were already at school) and then cancelled... Chaos, according to Doug... ATL is a big mess... Enjoy the SUN in GZ!

Katy said...

Hi Ellen!!

So glad to dig my head out of my own private crazy world and catch up on your blog!!!! You are there!! Tell Helen hello and Song Yi is doing great.

Anonymous said...

Where are you now? I miss your blogging.... I addicted to it !!

Lisa F.